Frequently Asked Questions

How do I list a Job?

Simply visit the Jobs Portal Home page and click on the button “Add a Job.” Then follow the on-screen form, which will allow you to submit full details of your vacancy. Do not forget, that to use our advertising, you must accept our terms and conditions. 

How long will the Job Advert be listed for?

Duration of Advertisement is until the closing date or 28 days, whichever is least. The advert can be extended or renewed as needed.

Who will see our Advertisement?

MediConf currently has a database of 27,000 members, consisting of GPs, Practice Nurses, ANPs, NPs, Clinical Pharmacists and Practice Managers. The Jobs portal is available through the main MediConf Website. In addition, we will be alerting our membership to the new Jobs Portal, via email communications.

Why have you decided to run this new Service?

We have received many requests from members, to provide a platform to advertise practice vacancies. We have therefore decided to offer a service allowing them to advertise their vacancies, to our 27,000 members.

What is the Charging Structure?

We wanted to provide an additional service to our regular members and understand the need for GP Practices and other Primary Care Organisations to recruit in a cost-effective way.Adverts are charged at £50 plus VAT per advert. Even paying this small nominal fee, is a substantial saving, on comparative advertising costs, with other companies. Therefore, all organisations are enjoying significant discounts.

How do I learn more about the service?

Please see our detailed terms and conditions on this Website

What do I do if I am having difficulties using the website?

Contact or call our team on 01253 712894 and they will be happy to assist.